It is about approaching the whole patient, in his/her entirety.
The whole system is characterised by its limits; we also talk about different states of the system.
The patient is something more than just a sum of its parts.
The system develops its emergent properties such as conscience, language, self-organisation that cannot be located in any of his/her parts.
The system has self-regulatory properties.

Personalised medicine
This medicine focuses on the individual living in its surroundings.
The physician is treating a patient who has a symptom the origin of which is always multifactorial. The warning light activated on the switchboard will go off once whatever has activated it will be repaired; it does not mean that the switchboard has to be taken to pieces.
The physician tunes the piano and the patient can better do his/her scales meaning live his/her life.
This allows to save time, to alleviate suffering, so it is an economy.
This is conducted, if needed, simultaneously and concurrently with a possible approach focused on the symptom or the illness.
If in this relationship between a patient and a physician the symptom will turn out to be unbearable, it will be treated.
Taking care of an irreversible illness, always in a personalized way, will often be liberating.
This fair complementarity of “two types of medicine” seems to be an ideal way of taking care of the patient as an individual and of his/her suffering that sometimes forges him/her ahead but can also paralyze him/her.
After such an approach the patient testifies that his/her life becomes much more simple.
Preventive medicine
The prevention with its numerous tools is looking to achieve a better balance. There are two types of prevention.
One of the them is global, collective and concerns populations.
The other is personalized and adapted to a unique person.
The person’s disequilibrium is pointed, shown by the symptoms.
In the majority of cases the disequilibrium precedes the first symptoms by around 10 years.
Thus we absolutely need finer criteria than this one or else we will be there too late!
Every approach: homeopathy, systemic biology, analysis of the person’s experience, etc. has its own reading grid of the appearance of disequilibrium.
At this stage, but also during secondary prevention when the illness is already present, we have to see the symptom disappear when a better order prevails in the system.
The effectiveness is a criterion of surveillance. The result validates the treatment.
Savings are generated as a consequence: insurance companies have started offering smaller premiums for the people who have recourse to such approaches.